Make Time in Little Alchemy 2 and Other Cheat Sheets


Every played Little Alchemy 2? If not, you should try it once! It’s an amazing puzzle game which is based on combining multiple elements to discover or invent a new element. As you go ahead in game, new discoveries and combinations can be made. However, if you had hints or cheat sheets, you could do it faster and understand Little Alchemy 2 better. Also, you could make time! Making time is a very special act in Little alchemy 2 and if you don’t know how to make time in the game, here is our cheat sheet to help you out!

There are about 720 items in Little Alchemy 2. How many have you discovered till now?

How to make new items in Little Alchemy 2?

To make new items in Little Alchemy 2, you have to start with four base elements – fire, earth, water and air. Check all items you can make with air here.

You combine these to create new elements and then as you combine those new elements to make even more elements. Time is one of those elements. If you want to make time in Little Alchemy 2, you can use our hint and cheat guide here.

How to make time in Little Alchemy 2?

You might be looking for the combination to discover time in Little Alchemy 2, but you cannot find it. So here it is-

To get time in Little Alchemy 2, you need to discover any 100 items. Once you have done that, Time will get unlocked and you can make time-specific elements too. Below is the cheat sheet you can use to make time in Little Alchemy 2 by creating 100 items out of 300 items we have listed for you.

this is how time looks in Little Alchemy 2

How to make time in Little Alchemy 2?

We have got life using four elements, and we have a large garden. Now, we combine life and large garden to make time in Little Alchemy 2.

Check this full 720 Items Cheat Sheet by Gamble Dude on YouTube!

Little Alchemy 2 Cheat Sheet and Hints for Making New Items

Now, as we had promised, here is a cheat sheet to make new items in Little Alchemy 2. You can use these hints and combinations to make new items easily!

  1. Air – Available from start
  2. Earth – Available from start
  3. Fire – Available from start
  4. Water – Available from start
  5. Alcohol – Fruit + Time
  6. Algae – Water + Plant
  7. Ash – Fire + Dust
  8. Atmosphere – Air + Pressure
  9. Aurora – Atmosphere + Light
  10. Bacteria – Swamp + Life
  11. Beach – Water + Sand
  12. Beetle – Earth + Worm
  13. Bird – Air + Egg
  14. Blade – Stone + Metal
  15. Blood – Human + Blade
  16. Boiler – Metal + Steam
  17. Brick – Fire + Clay
  18. Butterfly – Air + Worm
  19. Cactus – Desert + Plant
  20. Car – Machine + Road
  21. Cat – Animal + House
  22. Charcoal – Fire + Wood
  23. Cloud – Air + Steam
  24. Coconut – Palm + Fruit
  25. Coral – Ocean + Plant
  26. Desert – Sand + Sand
  27. Diamond – Pressure + Coal
  28. Dinosaur – Earth + Egg
  29. Dog – Wolf + Human
  30. Dragon – Fire + Lizard
  31. Earthquake – Earth + Energy
  32. Egg – Life + Stone
  33. Electricity – Energy + Metal
  34. Energy – Air + Fire
  35. Explosion – Fire + Dust
  36. Feather – Bird + Hunter
  37. Firefighter – Fire + Human
  38. Flower – Plant + Garden
  39. Forest – Tree + Tree
  40. Fruit – Tree + Farmer
  41. Garden – Plant + Plant
  42. Ghost – Castle + Darkness
  43. Glass – Fire + Sand
  44. Grass – Plant + Earth
  45. Gravestone – Stone + Corpse
  46. Gunpowder – Dust + Fire
  47. Hay – Grass + Scythe
  48. Hospital – House + Sick
  49. House – Human + Hut
  50. Hurricane – Energy + Cloud
  51. Ice – Water + Cold
  52. Iced tea – Ice + Tea
  53. Lava – Earth + Fire
  54. Leaf – Tree + Wind
  55. Life – Energy + Swamp
  56. Light – Sun + Sky
  57. Lighthouse – House + Light
  58. Lightning – Storm + Energy
  59. Livestock – Life + Farmer
  60. Machine – Steam engine + Engineer
  61. Meat – Animal + Hunter
  62. Metal – Fire + Stone
  63. Milk – Livestock + Human
  64. Mirror – Glass + Metal
  65. Moon – Sky + Cheese
  66. Moss – Stone + Algae
  67. Mud – Water + Earth
  68. Mushroom – Plant + Time
  69. Music – Sound + Human
  70. Ocean – Water + Sea
  71. Oil – Plant + Pressure
  72. Omelette – Egg + Fire
  73. Palm – Tree + Beach
  74. Paper – Wood + Pressure
  75. Peat – Plant + Swamp
  76. Petroleum – Oil + Pressure
  77. Phoenix – Fire + Bird
  78. Pie – Fruit + Dough
  79. Plant – Earth + Rain
  80. Plankton – Water + Life
  81. Pond – Water + Garden
  82. Pressure – Air + Air
  83. Pumpkin – Vegetable + Fire
  84. Rain – Water + Air
  85. Rainbow – Rain + Sun
  86. Reed – Plant + Swamp
  87. Ring – Diamond + Metal
  88. River – Water + Motion
  89. Robot – Life + Metal
  90. Rock – Earth + Pressure
  91. Rope – Thread + Thread
  92. Rust – Metal + Oxygen
  93. Salt – Sea + Sun
  94. Sand – Air + Stone
  95. Sandstone – Sand + Stone
  96. Scissors – Blade + Blade
  97. Scythe – Blade + Grass
  98. Sea – Water + Water
  99. Seagull – Bird + Sea
  100. Seaweed – Plant + Sea
  101. Seed – Life + Sand
  102. Shark – Sea + Fish
  103. Ship – Water + Wood
  104. Silk – Spider + Thread
  105. Sky – Air + Cloud
  106. Smoke – Fire + Wood
  107. Snail – Shells + Worm
  108. Snake – Worm + Wild animal
  109. Snow – Rain + Cold
  110. Soap – Ash + Oil
  111. Soot – Oil + Fire
  112. Space – Air + Sky
  113. Spaghetti – Pasta + Pasta
  114. Spider – Thread + Wild animal
  115. Steam – Water + Fire
  116. Steam engine – Boiler + Coal
  117. Steel – Coal + Metal
  118. Stone – Air + Lava
  119. Storm – Energy + Cloud
  120. Sugar – Energy + Fruit
  121. Sun – Sky + Horizon
  122. Sundial – Clock + Sun
  123. Sunflower – Sun + Plant
  124. Swamp – Mud + Plant
  125. Thread – Cotton + Tool
  126. Tide – Sea + Time
  127. Time – Sun + Hourglass
  128. Toast – Fire + Bread
  129. Tobacco – Fire + Plant
  130. Tools – Human + Metal
  131. Tornado – Storm + Motion
  132. Tortoise – Turtle + Sand
  133. Tundra – Earth + Ice
  134. Turtle – Sand + Egg
  135. Umbrella – Rain + Tool
  136. Vampire – Blood + Human
  137. Vase – Clay + Pottery
  138. Vegetable – Earth + Seed
  139. Vinegar – Alcohol + Oxygen
  140. Volcano – Lava + Earth
  141. Vulture – Corpse + Bird
  142. Wall – Brick + Brick
  143. War – Metal + Human
  144. Warm – Sun + Human
  145. Waterfall – River + Cliff
  146. Wave – Wind + Sea
  147. Wax – Bee + Bee
  148. Wheat – Field + Farmer
  149. Wheel – Tool + Wood
  150. Wild animal – Forest + Life
  151. Wind – Air + Motion
  152. Wind turbine – Wind + Electricity
  153. Wine – Alcohol + Fruit
  154. Wire – Electricity + Metal
  155. Witch – Human + Magic
  156. Wolf – Wild animal + Hunter
  157. Wood – Tool + Tree
  158. Wool – Livestock + Hunter
  159. Worm – Earth + Plankton
  160. Yin and yang – Life + Philosophy
  161. Zombie – Life + Corpse
  162. Antibiotics – Bacteria + Medicine
  163. Bicycle – Wheel + Wheel
  164. Boat – Wood + Water
  165. Cart – Wheel + Wood
  166. Clock – Time + Tool
  167. Compass – Needle + Paper
  168. Computer – Electricity + Programmer
  169. Electricity – Metal + Energy
  170. Fabric – Tool + Wool
  171. Glasses – Glass + Metal
  172. Gold – Sun + Metal
  173. Internet – Computer + Computer
  174. Mailbox – Letter + Postman
  175. Metal – Fire + Stone
  176. Microscope – Glass + Scientist
  177. Money – Paper + Gold
  178. Motorcycle – Bicycle + Engine
  179. Paper – Wood + Pressure
  180. Pen – Bird + Tool
  181. Pencil – Wood + Coal
  182. Phone – Electricity + Wire
  183. Pinocchio – Wood + Life
  184. Radio – Electricity + Music
  185. Robot – Metal + Life
  186. Satellite – Rocket + Computer
  187. Space station – House + Satellite
  188. Submarine – Boat + Steel
  189. Television – Electricity + Light
  190. Train – Steam engine + Cart
  191. Video game – Computer + Story
  192. Wire – Metal + Electricity
  193. Airplane – Bird + Metal
  194. Blender – Electricity + Blade
  195. Blood – Human + Blade
  196. Boat – Wood + Water
  197. Car – Cart + Combustion engine
  198. Cat – Wild animal + Milk
  199. Chicken – Livestock + Life
  200. Chimney – House + Fireplace
  201. Clock – Time + Tool
  202. Cloud – Air + Steam
  203. Coconut – Palm + Fruit
  204. Computer – Electricity + Programmer
  205. Cookie – Dough + Fire
  206. Cow – Livestock + Mountain
  207. Dinosaur – Earth + Egg
  208. Dough – Flour + Water
  209. Dragon – Fire + Lizard
  210. Earthworm – Rain + Soil
  211. Egg – Life + Stone
  212. Elephant – Earth + Wild animal
  213. Energy – Air + Fire
  214. Fireman – Fire + Human
  215. Flour – Stone + Wheat
  216. Flower – Plant + Garden
  217. Fly – Air + Beetle
  218. Forest – Tree + Tree
  219. Fruit – Tree + Farmer
  220. Ghost – Castle + Darkness
  221. Goat – Livestock + Mountain
  222. Grass – Plant + Earth
  223. House – Human + Hut
  224. Human – Earth + Life
  225. Hurricane – Energy + Cloud
  226. Ice – Water + Cold
  227. Ice cream – Milk + Ice
  228. Island – Ocean + Volcano
  229. Lava – Earth + Fire
  230. Lighthouse – House + Light
  231. Lightning – Storm + Energy
  232. Lizard – Earth + Egg
  233. Milk – Livestock + Human
  234. Moon – Sky + Cheese
  235. Moss – Swamp + Algae
  236. Mountain – Earth + Earthquake
  237. Mushroom – Earth + Moss
  238. Ocean – Water + Sea
  239. Oxygen – Water + Electricity
  240. Palm – Tree + Beach
  241. Paper – Wood + Pressure
  242. Peacock – Bird + Rainbow
  243. Penguin – Bird + Ice
  244. Phoenix – Fire + Bird
  245. Pig – Livestock + Mud
  246. Plant – Earth + Rain
  247. Pond – Water + Garden
  248. Puddle – Water + Water
  249. Rain – Water + Air
  250. Rainbow – Rain + Sun
  251. Rat – Wild animal + Garbage
  252. River – Water + Motion
  253. Robot – Metal + Life
  254. Sand – Air + Stone
  255. Sandstorm – Sand + Storm
  256. Scorpion – Wild animal + Sand
  257. Sea – Water + Water
  258. Seagull – Bird + Sea
  259. Seal – Dog + Ocean
  260. Seed – Life + Sand
  261. Shark – Wild animal + Ocean
  262. Ship – Boat + Wood
  263. Smoke – Fire + Wood
  264. Snake – Wild animal + Swamp
  265. Snow – Rain + Cold
  266. Snowball – Snow + Human
  267. Snowman – Snow + Human
  268. Solar cell – Sun + Tool
  269. Solar system – Sun + Planet
  270. Space – Star + Void
  271. Star – Sky + Night
  272. Starfish – Star + Ocean
  273. Steam – Water + Fire
  274. Steam engine – Boiler + Coal
  275. Stone – Earth + Lava
  276. Storm – Energy + Air
  277. Sugar – Energy + Fruit
  278. Sun – Sky + Light
  279. Sunflower – Sun + Plant
  280. Swamp – Water + Mud
  281. Thread – Cotton + Tool
  282. Tornado – Storm + Motion
  283. Tree – Earth + Seed
  284. Turtle – Sand + Egg
  285. Umbrella – Tool + Rain
  286. Vampire – Human + Blood
  287. Volcano – Lava + Earth
  288. Vulture – Bird + Corpse
  289. Water – Earth + Rain
  290. Waterfall – River + Cliff
  291. Wave – Ocean + Wind
  292. Wheel – Tool + Wood
  293. Wild animal – Earth + Life
  294. Wind – Air + Motion
  295. Wind turbine – Wind + Electricity
  296. Wine – Alcohol + Fruit
  297. Wire – Metal + Electricity
  298. Wood – Tool + Tree
  299. Wool – Livestock + Hunter
  300. Yin and yang – Philosophy + Philosophy
Also Read :  Cheat Sheet To Make Items Using Air in Little Alchemy 2 [Full List]

So these are about 300 items you can make in Little Alchemy 2 using the combination we have told you. This cheat sheet will help you a lot in new discoveries in Little Alchemy 2.

If you want cheat sheet on more games, follow us and email us with your requirement. For more funs and pranks, check our other articles!

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Happy gaming!

Author: Shubham Agrawal

Shubham is an experienced tech-guy who has worked on Internet applications for last 8 years. Before working for Talkshubh USA, he has worked at Talkshubh News and Paycharge. He is heavily interested in Gaming, Android Apps and anything that has to take with Internet. He has got several awards and certifications for his expertise in digital content creation.

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