How to find out who a phone number belongs to?

find out who phone number belongs to

You have a phone. You get a call from someone you don’t know. You either were irritated by the way they talked, or were threatened, worried, pranked or scammed by someone- you have a valid reason to find out who the phone number belongs to. If these are the conditions you are in, we are providing you our guide on how to find out the owner of a phone number and who it belongs to. Please note that this article has been written considering that you are looking to find out who a phone number belongs to, for legal and valid reasons only.

Like everything else, Google search for owner of a phone number

Most of the times, Google search works for almost everything we need to know. If a certain phone number whose owner you are looking to find about is popular, a certain business number or a regular fraud related number, you may find that by a simple google search. Sometimes, people also add their numbers to their website, blog, social media and press releases, so it will be easier to first Google search the number to find who the phone number belongs to.

Use reverse phone call lookup to know who a phone number belongs to

Reverse phone number lookup is an old tool that people have always been using to find who a phone number belongs to. The websites have big database of numbers, and they also scrap numbers from Internet wherever they can find it. They have list of business contacts and other numbers that are in public domain. Using the reverse phone number lookup, you can easily find who a phone number belongs to (in most cases).

Let us say, you want to know about the owner of a number 99XXXX00. You have to visit the page of any reverse phone number lookup website and then enter the number. Search if they have the number in their database.

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truecaller search form

Here is a list of reverse phone number lookup websites to find out who this phone number belongs to.

  1. Truecaller
  2. Whitepages
  3. Spokeo
  4. BeenVerified
  5. AnyWho
  7. NumLookup
  9. PeopleFinders
  10. Pipl

Using these websites, you may be able to find many numbers which are available in the public database as well as know who the owner of a phone number is. In case, you don’t find the details of the phone number you are looking for, use the next option.

Find the social media profiles associated with the number

Many social media websites provide the option to search for user using phone number. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- Almost every social media has a search feature where you can enter keywords related to a user’s profile and search for the owner of that account. However, some privacy features enable users to hide their mobile number or not show them in search result too. So, this might not work for all users. Even then, it is a good attempt to make if you want to find out who the phone number belongs to.

a phone number searched on twitter

Go to a social media website and then enter the mobile number, without the country code as it may make the search more complicated. Now, look for the results you gave and if you get too many results, try finding one from your country.

You can also try looking for other posts or tweets that mention same number. For that, instead of searching users, you have to search for posts. It is possible that the number you are looking for might be irritating or scamming others too, and they might have shared details about that number or who it belongs to.

Contact the phone service provider for phone number’s owner details

In some cases, you might be able to get the caller details from your network service provider. You need to attain legal cause and right to ask your service provider for the owner details of a phone number. Sometimes, you might even need a lawyer for this as this is an issue or privacy. rights.

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However, if the phone number has been used illegally to either scam you, threaten you or for some other illegal activity, you might report to the cops and get a documented allowance for you to get caller details from the service provider. In this case, the service provide can help you find out who the phone number belongs to.

Bonus method: Use WhatsApp to find who a phone number belongs to

Now, this method to find the owner of a phone number is often used but not advised because of safety issues. So, before we tell you this, we must also notify that you should use this method on your own responsibility, and you are liable for the consequences not us. Now, let us talk about the method.

So, what you do is that you save the contact number in your phone contacts and then you go to WhatsApp and refresh your contact list there. Then, you will see the new number you are looking to find the owner of. You can message them and then ask them who they are. Sometimes, you may see their name and profile picture so it will also be easier to know who the phone number belongs to. But be safe as scammers can con you if you let them talk to you and also may send you harmful or dangerous files. Adware, spyware etc. are very common to be sent by unknown people through messaging apps.

So, these are our methods to know who a certain phone number belongs to. If you have more such issues, feel free contacting us for the solution or advice.

Author: Shubham Agrawal

Shubham is an experienced tech-guy who has worked on Internet applications for last 8 years. Before working for Talkshubh USA, he has worked at Talkshubh News and Paycharge. He is heavily interested in Gaming, Android Apps and anything that has to take with Internet. He has got several awards and certifications for his expertise in digital content creation.

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